(2,4) Trees
Multi-Way Search Tree
- A multi-way search tree is an ordered tree such that
- Each internal node has at least two children and stores d −1 key-element items (ki, oi), where d is the number of children
- For a node with children v1 v2…vd storing keys k1 k2 …kd−1
- keys in the subtree of v1 are less than k1
- keys in the subtree of vi are between ki−1 and ki (i = 2, …, d − 1)
- keys in the subtree of vd are greater than kd−1
- The leaves store no items and serve as placeholders
Multi-Way Inorder Traversal
- We can extend the notion of inorder traversal from binary trees to multi-way search trees
- Namely, we visit item (ki, oi) of node v between the recursive traversals of the subtrees of v rooted at children vi and vi + 1
- An inorder traversal of a multi-way search tree visits the keys in increasing order
- Similar to search in a binary search tree
- A each internal node with children v1 v2 …vd and keys k1 k2 …kd−1
- k = ki (i = 1, …, d − 1): the search terminates successfully
- k < k1: we continue the search in child v1
- ki−1 < k < ki (i = 2, …, d − 1): we continue the search in child vi
- k > kd−1: we continue the search in child vd
- Reaching an external node terminates the search unsuccessfully
- Example: search for 30
(2,4) Tree
- A (2,4) tree (also called 2-4 tree or 2-3-4 tree) is a multi-way search with the following properties:
- Node-Size Property: every internal node has at most four children
- Depth Property: all the external nodes have the same depth
- Depending on the number of children, an internal node of a (2,4) tree is called a 2-node, 3-node or 4-node
Height of a (2,4) Tree
- Theorem: A (2,4) tree storing n items has height O(log n)
- Proof:
- Let h be the height of a (2,4) tree with n items
- Since there are at least 2i items at depth i = 0, … , h − 1 and no items at depth h, we have n ≥ 1 + 2 + 4 +… + 2h−1 = 2h − 1
- Thus, h ≤ log (n + 1)
- Searching in a (2,4) tree with n items takes O(log n) time
- We insert a new item (k, o) at the parent v of the leaf reached by searching for k
- We preserve the depth property but
- We may cause an overflow (i.e., node v may become a 5-node)
- Example: inserting key 30 causes an overflow
Overflow and Split
- We handle an overflow at a 5-node v with a split operation:
- let v1 … v5 be the children of v and k1 … k4 be the keys of v
- node v is replaced nodes v' and v"
- v' is a 3-node with keys k1 k2 and children v1 v2 v3
- v" is a 2-node with key k4 and children v4 v5
- key k3 is inserted into the parent u of v (a new root may be created)
- The overflow may propagate to the parent node u
Analysis of Insertion
- Let T be a (2,4) tree with n items
- Tree T has O(log n) height
- Step 1 takes O(log n) time because we visit O(log n) nodes
- Step 2 takes O(1) time
- Step 3 takes O(log n) time because each split takes O(1) time and we perform O(log n) splits
- Thus, an insertion in a (2,4) tree takes O(log n) time
Algorithm insertItem(k, o)
1. We search for key k to locate the insertion node v
2. We add the new item (k, o) at node v
3. while overflow(v)
if isRoot(v)
create a new empty root above v
v ← split(v)
- We reduce deletion of an item to the case where the item is at the node with leaf children
- Otherwise, we replace the item with its inorder successor (or, equivalently, with its inorder predecessor) and delete the latter item
- Example: to delete key 24, we replace it with 27 (inorder successor)
Underflow and Fusion/Transfer
- Deleting an item from a node v may cause an underflow, where node v becomes a 1-node with one child and no keys
- To handle an underflow at node v with parent u, we consider two cases
- Case 1: the adjacent siblings of v are 2-nodes
- Fusion operation: we merge v with an adjacent sibling w and move an item from u to the merged node v'
- After a fusion, the underflow may propagate to the parent u
- Case 2: an adjacent sibling w of v is a 3-node or a 4-node
- Transfer operation:
- we move a child of w to v
- we move an item from u to v
- we move an item from w to u
- After a transfer, no underflow occurs
Analysis of Deletion
- Let T be a (2,4) tree with n items
- Tree T has O(log n) height
- In a deletion operation
- We visit O(log n) nodes to locate the node from which to delete the item
- We handle an underflow with a series of O(log n) fusions, followed by at most one transfer
- Each fusion and transfer takes O(1) time
- Thus, deleting an item from a (2,4) tree takes O(log n) time