Dynamic Programming

Matrix Chain-Products

  • Dynamic Programming is a general algorithm design paradigm.
    • Rather than give the general structure, let us first give a motivating example:
    • Matrix Chain-Products
  • Review: Matrix Multiplication.
    • C = A*B
    • A is d × e and B is e × f
    • O(d⋅e⋅f ) time


  • Matrix Chain-Product:
    • Compute A=A0*A1*…*An-1
    • Ai is di × di+1
    • Problem: How to parenthesize?
  • Example
    • B is 3 × 100
    • C is 100 × 5
    • D is 5 × 5
    • (B*C)*D takes 1500 + 75 = 1575 ops
    • B*(C*D) takes 1500 + 2500 = 4000 ops

Enumeration Approach

  • Matrix Chain-Product Alg.:
    • Try all possible ways to parenthesize A=A0*A1*…*An-1
    • Calculate number of ops for each one
    • Pick the one that is best
  • Running time:
    • The number of parenthesizations is equal to the number of binary trees with n nodes
    • This is exponential!
    • It is called the Catalan number, and it is almost 4n.
    • This is a terrible algorithm!

Greedy Approach

  • Idea #1: repeatedly select the product that uses (up) the most operations.
  • Counter-example:
    • A is 10 × 5
    • B is 5 × 10
    • C is 10 × 5
    • D is 5 × 10
    • Greedy idea #1 gives (A*B)*(C*D), which takes 500+1000+500 = 2000 ops
    • A*((B*C)*D) takes 500+250+250 = 1000 ops

Another Greedy Approach

  • Idea #2: repeatedly select the product that uses the fewest operations.
  • Counter-example:
    • A is 101 × 11
    • B is 11 × 9
    • C is 9 × 100
    • D is 100 × 99
    • Greedy idea #2 gives A*((B*C)*D)), which takes 109989+9900+108900=228789 ops
    • (A*B)*(C*D) takes 9999+89991+89100=189090 ops
    • The greedy approach is not giving us the optimal value.

“Recursive” Approach

  • Define subproblems:
    • Find the best parenthesization of Ai*Ai+1*…*Aj.
    • Let Ni,j denote the number of operations done by this subproblem.
    • The optimal solution for the whole problem is N0,n-1.
  • Subproblem optimality: The optimal solution can be defined in terms of optimal subproblems
    • There has to be a final multiplication (root of the expression tree) for the optimal solution.
    • Say, the final multiply is at index i: (A0*…*Ai)*(Ai+1*…*An-1).
    • Then the optimal solution N0,n-1 is the sum of two optimal subproblems, N0,i and Ni+1,n-1 plus the time for the last multiply.
    • If the global optimum did not have these optimal subproblems, we could define an even better “optimal” solution.

Characterizing Equation

  • The global optimal has to be defined in terms of optimal subproblems, depending on where the final multiply is at.
  • Let us consider all possible places for that final multiply:
    • Recall that Ai is a di × di+1 dimensional matrix.
    • So, a characterizing equation for Ni,j is the following:


  • Note that subproblems are not independent–the subproblems overlap.

Dynamic Programming Algorithm Visualization

  • The bottom-up construction fills in the N array by diagonals
  • Ni,j gets values from previous entries in i-th row and j-th column
  • Filling in each entry in the N table takes O(n) time.
  • Total run time: O(n3)
  • Getting actual parenthesization can be done by remembering “k” for each N entry


Dynamic Programming Algorithm

  • Since subproblems overlap, we don’t use recursion.
  • Instead, we construct optimal subproblems “bottom-up.”
  • Ni,i’s are easy, so start with them Then do problems of “length” 2,3,… subproblems, and so on.
  • Running time: O(n3)
Algorithm matrixChain(S):
Input: sequence S of n matrices to be multiplied
Output: number of operations in an optimal parenthesization of S
for i ← 1 to n − 1 do
  Ni,i ← 0
for b ← 1 to n − 1 do
  { b = j − i is the length of the problem }
  for i ← 0 to n − b − 1 do
    j ← i + b
    Ni,j ← +∞
    for k ← i to j − 1 do
      Ni,j ← min{Ni,j, Ni,k + Nk+1,j + di dk+1 dj+1}
return N0,n−1

The General Dynamic Programming Technique

  • Applies to a problem that at first seems to require a lot of time (possibly exponential), provided we have:
    • Simple subproblems: the subproblems can be defined in terms of a few variables, such as j, k, l, m, and so on.
    • Subproblem optimality: the global optimum value can be defined in terms of optimal subproblems
    • Subproblem overlap: the subproblems are not independent, but instead they overlap (hence, should be constructed bottom-up).

The 0/1 Knapsack Problem

  • Given: A set S of n items, with each item i having
    • wi - a positive weight
    • bi - a positive benefit
  • Goal: Choose items with maximum total benefit but with weight at most W.
  • If we are not allowed to take fractional amounts, then this is the 0/1 knapsack problem.
  • In this case, we let T denote the set of items we take
  • Objective: maximize Dynamic_Programming_Knapsack_Maximize
  • Constraint: Dynamic_Programming_Knapsack_Constraint


  • Given: A set S of n items, with each item i having
    • wi - a positive “benefit”
    • bi - a positive “weight”
  • Goal: Choose items with maximum total benefit but with weight at most W. Dynamic_Programming_Knapsack_Example

A 0/1 Knapsack Algorithm, First Attempt

  • Sk: Set of items numbered 1 to k.
  • Define B[k] = best selection from Sk.
  • Problem: does not have subproblem optimality:
    • Consider set S={(3,2),(5,4),(8,5),(4,3),(10,9)} of (benefit, weight) pairs and total weight W = 20


A 0/1 Knapsack Algorithm, Second Attempt

  • Sk: Set of items numbered 1 to k.
  • Define B[k,w] to be the best selection from Sk with weight at most w
  • Good news: this does have subproblem optimality. Dynamic_Programming_Knapsack_Example
  • I.e., the best subset of Sk with weight at most w is either
    • the best subset of Sk-1 with weight at most w or
    • the best subset of Sk-1 with weight at most w−wk plus item k

0/1 Knapsack Algorithm

  • Recall the definition of [k,w]
  • Since B[k,w] is defined in terms of B[k−1,*], we can use two arrays of instead of a matrix
  • Running time: O(nW).
  • Not a polynomial-time algorithm since W may be large
  • This is a pseudo-polynomial time algorithm
Algorithm 01Knapsack(S, W):
Input: set S of n items with benefit bi and weight wi; maximum weight W
Output: benefit of best subset of S with weight at most W
{let A and B be arrays of length W + 1}
for w ← 0 to W do
  B[w] ← 0
for k ← 1 to n do
  copy array B into array A
for w ← wk to W do
  if A[w−wk] + bk > A[w] then
    B[w] ← A[w−wk] + bk
return B[W]