

  • A graph is a pair (V, E), where

    • V is a set of nodes, called vertices
    • E is a collection of pairs of vertices, called edges
    • Vertices and edges are positions and store elements
    • Applications: Electronic circuits, Transportation networks, Computer Networks, Databases
  • Example:

    • A vertex represents an airport and stores the three-letter airport code
    • An edge represents a flight route between two airports and stores the mileage of the route


Edge Types

  • Directed edge
    • ordered pair of vertices (u,v)
    • first vertex u is the origin
    • second vertex v is the destination
    • e.g., a flight
  • Undirected edge
    • unordered pair of vertices (u,v)
    • e.g., a flight route
  • Directed graph
    • all the edges are directed
    • e.g., flight network
  • Undirected graph
    • all the edges are undirected
    • e.g., route network


  • End vertices (or endpoints) of an edge
    • U and V are the endpoints of a
  • Edges incident on a vertex
    • a, d, and b are incident on V
  • Adjacent vertices
    • U and V are adjacent
  • Degree of a vertex
    • X has degree 5
  • Parallel edges
    • h and i are parallel edges
  • Self-loop
    • j is a self-loop


  • Path
    • sequence of alternating vertices and edges
    • begins with a vertex
    • ends with a vertex
    • each edge is preceded and followed by its endpoints
  • Simple path
    • path such that all its vertices and edges are distinct
  • Examples
    • P1=(V,b,X,h,Z) is a simple path
    • P2=(U,c,W,e,X,g,Y,f,W,d,V) is a path that is not simple


  • Cycle
    • circular sequence of alternating vertices and edges
    • each edge is preceded and followed by its endpoints
  • Simple cycle
    • cycle such that all its vertices and edges are distinct
  • Examples
    • C1=(V,b,X,g,Y,f,W,c,U,a,↵) is a simple cycle
    • C2=(U,c,W,e,X,g,Y,f,W,d,V,a,↵) is a cycle that is not simple



  • Property 1
    • Σv deg(v) = 2m
      Proof: each edge is counted twice
  • Property 2
    • In an undirected graph with no self-loops and no multiple edges
      m ≤ n (n − 1)/2
      Proof: each vertex has degree at most (n − 1)
  • What is the bound for a directed graph?

Graph ADT

  • Vertices and edges
    • are positions
    • store elements
  • Accessor methods
    • aVertex()
    • incidentEdges(v)
    • endVertices(e)
    • isDirected(e)
    • origin(e)
    • destination(e)
    • opposite(v, e)
    • areAdjacent(v, w)
  • Update methods
    • insertVertex(o)
    • insertEdge(v, w, o)
    • insertDirectedEdge(v, w, o)
    • removeVertex(v)
    • removeEdge(e)
  • Generic methods
    • numVertices()
    • numEdges()
    • vertices()
    • edges()

Edge List Structure

  • Vertex object
    • element
    • reference to position in vertex sequence
  • Edge object
    • element
    • origin vertex object
    • destination vertex object
    • reference to position in edge sequence
  • Vertex sequence
    • sequence of vertex objects
  • Edge sequence
    • sequence of edge objects


Adjacency List Structure

  • Edge list structure
  • Incidence sequence for each vertex
    • sequence of references to edge objects of incident edges
  • Augmented edge objects
    • references to associated positions in incidence sequences of end vertices


Adjacency Matrix Structure

  • Edge list structure
  • Augmented vertex objects
    • Integer key (index) associated with vertex
  • 2D adjacency array
    • Reference to edge object for adjacent vertices
    • Null for non nonadjacent vertices
  • The “old fashioned” version just has 0 for no edge and 1 for edge


Asymptotic Performance



package graphLib;

import examples.*;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;

 * A implementation of the Graph interface based on incidence lists (at each vertex a list of
 * all the edges incident to this vertex are are stored).
 * @author ps
 * @param <V> the type of the elements stored at the vertices of this graph
 * @param <E> the type of the elements stored at the edges of this graph
public class IncidenceListGraph<V,E> implements Graph<V, E> {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    private HashSet<ILGVertex> vertices = new HashSet<ILGVertex>();
    private HashSet<ILGEdge> edges = new HashSet<ILGEdge>();
    private boolean isDirected = false;

    public IncidenceListGraph (){

    public IncidenceListGraph (boolean isDirected){
        this.isDirected = isDirected;

    public Vertex<V> aVertex() {
        if (numberOfVertices() > 0) return vertices.iterator().next();
        else return null;

    public int numberOfVertices() {
        return vertices.size();

    public int NumberOfEdges() {
        return edges.size();

    public boolean isDirected() {
        return isDirected;

    public Iterator<Vertex<V>> vertices() {
        final Iterator<ILGVertex> it = vertices.iterator();
        return new Iterator<Vertex<V>>() {

            public boolean hasNext() {
                return it.hasNext();

            public Vertex<V> next() {

            public void remove() {

    public Iterator<Edge<E>> edges() {
        final Iterator<ILGEdge> it = edges.iterator();
        return new Iterator<Edge<E>>() {

            public boolean hasNext() {
                return it.hasNext();

            public Edge<E> next() {

            public void remove() {

    public Iterator<Edge<E>> incidentEdges(Vertex<V> v) {
        ILGVertex w = (ILGVertex) v;
        if (w.thisGraph != this) throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Vertex!");
        final Iterator<Entry<ILGVertex,ILGEdge>> it = w.iEdges.entrySet().iterator();
        return new Iterator<Edge<E>>() {        
            public boolean hasNext() {
                return it.hasNext();

            public Edge<E> next() {

            public void remove() {


    public Iterator<Edge<E>> incidentInEdges(Vertex<V> v) {
        ILGVertex w = (ILGVertex) v;
        if (w.thisGraph != this) throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Vertex!");
        if (! isDirected) throw new RuntimeException("undirected graph!");
        final Iterator<Entry<ILGVertex,ILGEdge>> it = w.inIEdges.entrySet().iterator();
        return new Iterator<Edge<E>>() {        
            public boolean hasNext() {
                return it.hasNext();

            public Edge<E> next() {

            public void remove() {


    public Iterator<Edge<E>> incidentOutEdges(Vertex<V> v) {
        ILGVertex w = (ILGVertex) v;
        if (w.thisGraph != this) throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Vertex!");
        if (! isDirected) throw new RuntimeException("undirected graph!");
        final Iterator<Entry<ILGVertex,ILGEdge>> it = w.outIEdges.entrySet().iterator();
        return new Iterator<Edge<E>>() {        
            public boolean hasNext() {
                return it.hasNext();

            public Edge<E> next() {

            public void remove() {


    public int degree(Vertex<V> v) {
        ILGVertex w = (ILGVertex) v;
        if (w.thisGraph != this) throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Vertex!");
        return w.iEdges.size();

    public int inDegree(Vertex<V> v) {
        ILGVertex w = (ILGVertex) v;
        if (w.thisGraph != this) throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Vertex!");
        if (! isDirected) throw new RuntimeException("undirected graph!");
        return w.inIEdges.size();

    public int outDegree(Vertex<V> v) {
        ILGVertex w = (ILGVertex) v;
        if (w.thisGraph != this) throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Vertex!");
        if (! isDirected) throw new RuntimeException("undirected graph!");
        return w.outIEdges.size();

    public Vertex<V> origin(Edge<E> e) {
        ILGEdge iEdge = (ILGEdge) e;
        if (iEdge.thisGraph != this) throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Edge!");
        if (! isDirected) throw new RuntimeException("undirected graph!");
        return iEdge.from;

    public Vertex<V> destination(Edge<E> e) {
        ILGEdge iEdge = (ILGEdge) e;
        if (iEdge.thisGraph != this) throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Edge!");
        if (! isDirected) throw new RuntimeException("undirected graph!");

    public Vertex<V>[] endVertices(Edge<E> e) {
        ILGEdge iEdge = (ILGEdge) e;
        if (iEdge.thisGraph != this) throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Edge!");
        Vertex <V>  [] v = new Vertex[2];
        return (Vertex<V> []) v;

    public boolean areAdjacent(Vertex<V> v1, Vertex<V> v2) {
        ILGVertex w1 = (ILGVertex) v1;
        if (w1.thisGraph != this) throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Vertex!");
        ILGVertex w2 = (ILGVertex) v2;
        if (w2.thisGraph != this) throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Vertex!");
        return (w1.iEdges.get(w2)!=null);

    public Vertex<V> insertVertex(V elem) {
        ILGVertex v = new ILGVertex(elem);
        return v;

    public Edge<E> insertEdge(Vertex<V> from, Vertex<V> to, E elem) {
        ILGVertex fromV = (ILGVertex) from;
        if (fromV.thisGraph != this) throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Vertex!");
        ILGVertex toV = (ILGVertex) to;
        if (toV.thisGraph != this) throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Vertex!");
        ILGEdge ed = new ILGEdge(elem, fromV, toV);
        return ed;

    public E removeEdge(Edge<E> e) {
        ILGEdge iEdge = (ILGEdge) e;
        if (iEdge.thisGraph != this) throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Edge!");

        if (isDirected){
        iEdge.thisGraph = null;
        return iEdge.element();

    public V removeVertex(Vertex<V> v) {
        ILGVertex w = (ILGVertex) v;
        if (w.thisGraph != this) throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Vertex!");
        // first we remove all edges!
        Object [] el = new Object[degree(w)];
        el = w.iEdges.entrySet().toArray();
        for (Object e:el){
        return w.element;

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see java.lang.Object#toString()
    public String toString(){
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        String con = "---";
        if (isDirected){
            sb.append("Type: directed\n");
            con = "-->";
        else sb.append("Type: undirected\n");
        Iterator<ILGVertex> it = vertices.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()){
            ILGVertex v =;
            sb.append("  "+v.toString()+"\n");
            Iterator<Edge<E>> eit;
            if (! isDirected){
                eit = incidentEdges(v);
                if (eit.hasNext()) sb.append("       Incident Edges:\n");
                    Edge<E> e =;
                    sb.append("       "+e.toString()+"\n");
            else {
                eit = incidentOutEdges(v);
                if (eit.hasNext()) sb.append("       outgoing Edges:\n");
                    Edge<E> e =;
                    sb.append("       "+e.toString()+"\n");
                eit = incidentInEdges(v);
                if (eit.hasNext()) sb.append("       incoming Edges:\n");
                    Edge<E> e =;
                    sb.append("       "+e.toString()+"\n");

        Iterator<ILGEdge> eit = edges.iterator();
        while (eit.hasNext()){
            ILGEdge ev=;
            sb.append(ev.from.toString()"  "+ev.toString()+"\n");
        return sb.toString();

    public Vertex<V> opposite(Edge<E> e, Vertex<V> v) {
        ILGVertex w = (ILGVertex) v;
        if (w.thisGraph != this) throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Vertex!");
        ILGEdge iEdge = (ILGEdge) e;
        if (iEdge.thisGraph != this) throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Edge!");
        if (iEdge.from==w) return;
        else if ( return iEdge.from;
        else throw new RuntimeException(w+" is not an endpoint of "+iEdge);

    private class ILGVertex extends IGLDecorable implements Vertex<V>{
        private V element;
        private IncidenceListGraph<V,E> thisGraph = IncidenceListGraph.this;
        private HashMap<ILGVertex,ILGEdge> iEdges;
        private HashMap<ILGVertex,ILGEdge> inIEdges;
        private HashMap<ILGVertex,ILGEdge> outIEdges;

        public ILGVertex(V e){
            iEdges = new HashMap<ILGVertex,ILGEdge>(4);
            if (isDirected){
                inIEdges = new HashMap<ILGVertex,ILGEdge>(4);
                outIEdges = new HashMap<ILGVertex,ILGEdge>(4);

        public V element() {
            return element;

        public String toString(){
            if (element == null) return "null";
            else return element.toString();


    private class ILGEdge extends IGLDecorable implements Edge<E> {
        private E element;
        private Object thisGraph = IncidenceListGraph.this;
        private ILGVertex from;
        private ILGVertex to;

        public ILGEdge(E e, ILGVertex from, ILGVertex to){
            this.from = from;
   = to;
            if (isDirected){
                if (from.outIEdges.containsKey(to)) throw new RuntimeException("Parallel edges not allowed!");
                to.inIEdges.put(from, this);                
            if (! isDirected && from.iEdges.containsKey(to)) throw new RuntimeException("Parallel edges not allowed!");
            to.iEdges.put(from, this);

        public E element() {
            return element;

        public String toString(){
            if (element == null) return "null";
            else return element.toString();

    private class IGLDecorable implements Decorable {
        private HashMap<Object,Object> attrs = new HashMap<Object,Object>(2);
        private final Object DUMMY = new Serializable(){};

        public Object get(Object attr) {
            Object ret = attrs.get(attr);
            if (ret==null) throw new RuntimeException("no attribute "+attr);
            if (ret==DUMMY) ret=null;
            return ret;

        public boolean has(Object attr) {
            Object o = attrs.get(attr);
            return (o!=null);

        public void set(Object attr, Object val) {
            Object value = DUMMY;
            if (val != null) value = val;
            attrs.put(attr, value);

        public Object destroy(Object attr) {
            Object ret = attrs.get(attr);
            if (ret != null) attrs.remove(attr);
            return ret;

        public void clearAll() {

