Skip Lists

What is a Skip List

  • A skip list for a set S of distinct (key, element) items is a series of lists S0, S1 , … , Sh such that
    • Each list Si contains the special keys +∞ and −∞
    • List S0 contains the keys of S in nondecreasing order
    • Each list is a subsequence of the previous one, i.e., S0 ⊇S1 ⊇ … ⊇ Sh
    • List Sh contains only the two special keys
  • We show how to use a skip list to implement the dictionary ADT


  • We search for a key x in a a skip list as follows:
    • We start at the first position of the top list
    • At the current position p, we compare x with y ←key(after(p))
      x = y: we return element(after(p))
      x > y: we “scan forward”
      x < y: we “drop down”
    • If we try to drop down past the bottom list, we return NO_SUCH_KEY
  • Example: search for 78

Skip List Search

Randomized Algorithms

  • A randomized algorithm performs coin tosses (i.e., uses random bits) to control its execution
  • It contains statements of the type
    b ← random()
    if b = 0
    do A …
    else { b = 1}
    do B …
  • Its running time depends on the outcomes of the coin tosses
  • We analyze the expected running time of a randomized algorithm under the following assumptions
    • the coins are unbiased, and
    • the coin tosses are independent
  • The worst-case running time of a randomized algorithm is often large but has very low probability (e.g., it occurs when all the coin tosses give “heads”)
  • We use a randomized algorithm to insert items into a skip list


  • To insert an item (x, o) into a skip list, we use a randomized algorithm:
    • We repeatedly toss a coin until we get tails, and we denote with i the number of times the coin came up heads
    • If i ≥ h, we add to the skip list new lists Sh+1, … , Si +1, each containing only the two special keys
    • We search for x in the skip list and find the positions p0, p1 , …, pi of the items with largest key less than x in each list S0, S1, … , Si
    • For j ← 0, …, i, we insert item (x, o) into list Sj after position pj
  • Example: insert key 15, with i = 2

Skip List Insert


  • To remove an item with key x from a skip list, we proceed as follows:
    • We search for x in the skip list and find the positions p0, p1 , …, pi of the items with key x, where position pj is in list Sj
    • We remove positions p0, p1 , …, pi from the lists S0, S1, … , Si
    • We remove all but one list containing only the two special keys
  • Example: remove key 34

Skip List Insert Removal


  • The running time of the search an insertion algorithms is affected by the height h of the skip list
  • We show that with high probability, a skip list with n items has height O(log n)
  • We use the following additional probabilistic fact:
    • Fact 3: If each of n events has probability p, the probability that at least one event occurs is at most np
  • Consider a skip list with n items
    • By Fact 1, we insert an item in list Si with probability 1/2^i
    • By Fact 3, the probability that list Si has at least one item is at most n/2^i
  • By picking i = 3log n, we have that the probability that S3log n has at least one item is at most n/23log n = n/n3 = 1/n2
  • Thus a skip list with n items has height at most 3log n with probability at least 1 − 1/n2

Search and Update Times

  • The search time in a skip list is proportional to 􀂄
    • the number of drop-down steps, plus
    • the number of scan-forward steps
  • The drop-down steps are bounded by the height of the skip list and thus are O(log n) with high probability
  • To analyze the scan-forward steps, we use yet another probabilistic fact:
    • Fact 4: The expected number of coin tosses required in order to get tails is 2
  • When we scan forward in a list, the destination key does not belong to a higher list
    • A scan-forward step is associated with a former coin toss that gave tails
  • By Fact 4, in each list the expected number of scanforward steps is 2
  • Thus, the expected number of scan-forward steps is O(log n)
  • We conclude that a search in a skip list takes O(log n) expected time
  • The analysis of insertion and deletion gives similar results

Space Usage

  • The space used by a skip list depends on the random bits used by each invocation of the insertion algorithm
  • We use the following two basic probabilistic facts:
    • Fact 1: The probability of getting i consecutive heads when flipping a coin is 1/2^i
    • Fact 2: If each of n items is present in a set with probability p, the expected size of the set is np
  • Consider a skip list with n items
    • By Fact 1, we insert an item in list Si with probability 1/2^i
    • By Fact 2, the expected size of list Si is n/2^i
  • The expected number of nodes used by the skip list is
  • Thus, the expected space usage of a skip list with n items is O(n)

Summary/Runtime Analysis

  • A skip list is a data structure for dictionaries that uses a randomized insertion algorithm
  • In a skip list with n items
    • The expected space used is O(n)
    • The expected search, insertion and deletion time is O(log n)
  • Using a more complex probabilistic analysis, one can show that these performance bounds also hold with high probability
  • Skip lists are fast and simple to implement in practice


package examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Random;

 * @author ps
public class MySkipList<K extends Comparable<? super K>, E> implements
        OrderedDictionary<K, E> {

    // the class for the nodes:
    class SLNode implements Locator<K,E> {
        SLNode prev,next,above,below; // neighbours
        Object owner = MySkipList.this;
        K key;
        E elem;

        /* (non-Javadoc)
         * @see examples.Position#element()
        public E element() {
            return elem;

        /* (non-Javadoc)
         * @see examples.Locator#key()
        public K key() {
            return key;

    // instance variables
    // 4 inital nodes which remain alway the same
    private SLNode topLeft,bottomLeft,topRight,bottomRight;
    // min, max
    private K minKey,maxKey;
    private int size;
    private Random rand = new Random();
    private double p = 0.5; // index probability
    private int height = 2;

    public MySkipList(K min, K max){
        topLeft = new SLNode();
        topLeft.key = min;
        topRight = new SLNode();
        topRight.key = max;
        bottomLeft = new SLNode();
        bottomLeft.key = min;
        bottomRight = new SLNode();
        bottomRight.key = max;
        // connect them = topRight;
        topRight.prev = topLeft; = bottomRight;
        bottomRight.prev = bottomLeft;

        topLeft.below = bottomLeft;
        topRight.below = bottomRight;
        bottomLeft.above = topLeft;
        bottomRight.above = topRight;

        minKey = min;
        maxKey = max;

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see examples.OrderedDictionary#size()
    public int size() {
        return size;

    private void checkKey(K key){
        if (key.compareTo(minKey)<=0) throw new RuntimeException("key not bigger than minKey!");
        if (key.compareTo(maxKey)>=0) throw new RuntimeException("key not smaller than maxKey!");        

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see examples.OrderedDictionary#find(java.lang.Comparable)
    public Locator<K, E> find(K key) {
        SLNode pos = search(key);
        if (pos.key.compareTo(key)!=0) return null; // we found nothing
        else {
            // we take the leftmost Locator with valid key
            while (pos.prev.key.compareTo(key)== 0) pos=pos.prev;
            return pos;

    private SLNode search(K key){
        SLNode pos = topLeft;
        while (pos.below != null){
            pos = pos.below;
            while (key.compareTo( >=0) pos =;
        return pos;        

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see examples.OrderedDictionary#findAll(java.lang.Comparable)
    public Locator<K, E>[] findAll(K key) {
        SLNode n = (SLNode) find(key); // returns the leftmost occurence
        if (n==null) return new Locator[0];
        ArrayList<Locator<K,E>> al = new ArrayList<>();
        return al.toArray(new Locator[0]);

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see examples.OrderedDictionary#insert(java.lang.Comparable, java.lang.Object)
    public Locator<K, E> insert(K key, E o) {
        SLNode pos = search(key);
        // we take the rightmost Locator with valid key
        while ( 0);        
        // now we want to insert a node at the position        
        // make a new node:        
        SLNode nNew = new SLNode();
        nNew.key = key;
        nNew.elem = o;

        // insert at =;
        nNew.prev = pos;
        // backwards chaining:;;

        // build index:

        SLNode lastIndex = nNew;
        while (rand.nextDouble() < p){
            while (pos.above==null) pos = pos.prev;
            pos = pos.above;
            // create a new index and insert it after pos:
            SLNode index = new SLNode();
            index.key = key;            
            // insert:
            // horizontal chaining:
            index.prev = pos;
   = index;
   = index;
            // vertical chaining:
            index.below = lastIndex;
            lastIndex.above = index;        
            // increment  
            // if pos is topLeft we have to expand by one index level
            if (pos == topLeft) expand();

        return nNew;

    private void expand(){
        // adds one index level
        // System.out.println("expanding..");
        SLNode n1 = new SLNode();
        n1.key = minKey;
        SLNode n2 = new SLNode();
        n2.key = maxKey; = n2;
        n2.prev = n1;

        n1.below = topLeft;
        n2.below = topRight;

        topLeft.above = n1;
        topRight.above = n2;

        topLeft = n1;
        topRight = n2;

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see examples.OrderedDictionary#remove(examples.Locator)
    public void remove(Locator<K, E> loc) {
        SLNode n = (SLNode) loc;
        if (n.owner != this) throw new RuntimeException("invalid locator "+loc.key());
        int lev=0;
        while (n!=null){
        if (lev==height-1) shrink();

    private void shrink() {
        // System.out.println("shrink called");
        while (height>2 &&{
            // System.out.println("shrinking...");
            topLeft = topLeft.below;
            topRight = topRight.below;
            topLeft.above = null;
            topRight.above = null;

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see examples.OrderedDictionary#closestBefore(java.lang.Comparable)
    public Locator<K, E> closestBefore(K key) {
        if (key.compareTo(minKey)<=0) throw new RuntimeException("key not bigger than minKey!");
        if (key.compareTo(maxKey)>=0) throw new RuntimeException("key not smaller than maxKey!");
        SLNode pos = search(key);
        int comp = key.compareTo(pos.key);
        if (comp==0){
            pos = pos.prev;
            // still equal?
            if (pos == bottomLeft) return null;
            while (key.compareTo(pos.key)==0) pos=pos.prev;
        else if (comp>0){
            // in case we have sevearal equal keys take the rightmost locator
            while (pos.key.compareTo(;
            if (pos == bottomLeft) pos = null;

            throw new RuntimeException("should never happen!");
        return pos;


    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see examples.OrderedDictionary#closestAfter(java.lang.Comparable)
    public Locator<K, E> closestAfter(K key) {
        if (key.compareTo(minKey)<=0) throw new RuntimeException("key not bigger than minKey!");
        if (key.compareTo(maxKey)>=0) throw new RuntimeException("key not smaller than maxKey!");
        SLNode pos = search(key);
        int comp = key.compareTo(pos.key);
        if (comp==0){
            pos =;
            // still equal?
            while (key.compareTo(pos.key)==0);
            if (pos == bottomRight) pos = null;
        else if (comp>0){
            // in case we have several equal keys take the rightmost locator
            while (pos.key.compareTo(;
            // the next key is bigger than 'key'
            pos =;
            if (pos == bottomRight) pos = null;

        else throw new RuntimeException("should never happen!");
        return pos;

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see examples.OrderedDictionary#next(examples.Locator)
    public Locator<K, E> next(Locator<K, E> loc) {
        SLNode n = (SLNode) loc;
        if (n.owner != this) throw new RuntimeException("invalid locator "+loc.key());
        n =;
        if (n==bottomRight) n=null;
        return n;

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see examples.OrderedDictionary#previous(examples.Locator)
    public Locator<K, E> previous(Locator<K, E> loc) {
        SLNode n = (SLNode) loc;
        if (n.owner != this) throw new RuntimeException("invalid locator "+loc.key());
        n = n.prev;
        if (n==bottomLeft) n=null;
        return n;

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see examples.OrderedDictionary#min()
    public Locator<K, E> min() {
        if (size>0) return;
        else return null;

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see examples.OrderedDictionary#max()
    public Locator<K, E> max() {
        if (size>0) return bottomRight.prev;
        else return null;

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see examples.OrderedDictionary#sortedLocators()
    public Iterator<Locator<K, E>> sortedLocators() {
        return new Iterator<Locator<K, E>>(){
            SLNode pos =;
            public boolean hasNext() {
                return pos != bottomRight;

                public Locator<K, E> next() {
                SLNode ret = pos;
                pos =;
                return ret;

            public void remove() {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                        "use remove method of MySkipList!");


    public void print(){
        SLNode n = bottomLeft;;
        StringBuffer lev = new StringBuffer();
        while (n!=bottomRight){
            SLNode m = n;
            int index = 0;
            while (m.above != null) {
            System.out.println(String.format("%11d", n.key())+lev.toString()+"    elem: "+n.elem);


     * @param args
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        MySkipList<Integer, String> sl = new MySkipList<>(Integer.MIN_VALUE,Integer.MAX_VALUE);
        Random rand = new Random();
        int n  = 1000000;
        Locator<Integer,String>[] locs = new Locator[n];
        long time1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
        for (int i=0;i<n;i++) {
        for (int i=0;i<n/2;i++) {
        Locator<Integer,String>[] ll = sl.findAll(33);
        for (int i=0;i<ll.length;i++)System.out.println(ll[i].key());
        long time2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
        System.out.println("elapsed time: "+(time2-time1)/1000.0+" s");
        System.out.println("height of index: "+sl.height);
//        Iterator<Locator<Integer,String>> it = sl.sortedLocators();
//        while (it.hasNext()){
//            Locator<Integer, String> loc =;
//            System.out.println(loc.key()+" element: "+loc.element());
//        }
        // sl.print();
//        sl.remove(locs[15]);
//        sl.print();
//        Locator<Integer,String> loc = sl.closestBefore(83);
//        if (loc!= null)System.out.println(loc.key()+":"+loc.element());
