
Preprocessing Strings

  • Preprocessing the pattern speeds up pattern matching queries
    • After preprocessing the pattern, KMP’s algorithm performs pattern matching in time proportional to the text size
  • If the text is large, immutable and searched for often (e.g., works by Shakespeare), we may want to preprocess the text instead of the pattern
  • A trie is a compact data structure for representing a set of strings, such as all the words in a text
  • A tries supports pattern matching queries in time proportional to the pattern size

Standard Trie

  • The standard trie for a set of strings S is an ordered tree such that:
    • Each node but the root is labeled with a character
    • The children of a node are alphabetically ordered
    • The paths from the external nodes to the root yield the strings of S
  • Example: standard trie for the set of strings S = { bear, bell, bid, bull, buy, sell, stock, stop }
  • A standard trie uses O(n) space and supports searches, insertions and deletions in time O(dm), where:
    • n total size of the strings in S
    • m size of the string parameter of the operation
    • d size of the alphabet


Word Matching with a Trie

  • We insert the words of the text into a trie
  • Each leaf stores the occurrences of the associated word in the text Tries_Word_Matching


Compressed Trie

  • A compressed trie has internal nodes of degree at least two
  • It is obtained from standard trie by compressing chains of “redundant” nodes


Compact Representation

  • Compact representation of a compressed trie for an array of strings:
    • Stores at the nodes ranges of indices instead of substrings
    • Uses O(s) space, where s is the number of strings in the array
    • Serves as an auxiliary index structure


Suffix Trie

  • The suffix trie of a string X is the compressed trie of all the suffixes of X
  • Compact representation of the suffix trie for a string X of size n from an alphabet of size d
    • Uses O(n) space
    • Supports arbitrary pattern matching queries in X in O(dm) time, where m is the size of the pattern



Encoding Trie

  • A code is a mapping of each character of an alphabet to a binary code-word
  • A prefix code is a binary code such that no code-word is the prefix of another code-word
  • An encoding trie represents a prefix code

    • Each leaf stores a character
    • The code word of a character is given by the path from the root to the leaf storing the character (0 for a left child and 1 for a right child Tries_Encoding
  • Given a text string X, we want to find a prefix code for the characters of X that yields a small encoding for X

    • Frequent characters should have long code-words
    • Rare characters should have short code-words
  • Example
    • X = abracadabra
    • T1 encodes X into 29 bits
    • T2 encodes X into 24 bits Tries_Encoding

Huffman’s Algorithm

  • Given a string X, Huffman’s algorithm construct a prefix code the minimizes the size of the encoding of X
  • It runs in time O(n + d log d), where n is the size of X and d is the number of distinct characters of X
  • A heap-based priority queue is used as an auxiliary structure
Algorithm HuffmanEncoding(X)
  Input string X of size n
  Output optimal encoding trie for X
  C ← distinctCharacters(X)
  computeFrequencies(C, X)
  Q ← new empty heap
  for all c ∈ C
    T ← new single-node tree storing c
    Q.insert(getFrequency(c), T)
  while Q.size() > 1
    f1 ← Q.minKey()
    T1 ← Q.removeMin()
    f2 ← Q.minKey()
    T2 ← Q.removeMin()
    T ← join(T1, T2)
    Q.insert(f1 + f2, T)
  return Q.removeMin()

