- A locators identifies and tracks a (key, element) item within a data structure
- A locator sticks with a specific item, even if that element changes its position in the data structure
- Intuitive notion:
- claim check
- reservation number
- Methods of the locator ADT:
- key(): returns the key of the item associated with the locator
- element(): returns the element of the item associated with the locator
- Application example:
- Orders to purchase and sell a given stock are stored in two priority queues (sell orders and buy orders)
- the key of an order is the price
- the element is the number of shares
- When an order is placed,a locator to it is returned
- Given a locator, an order can be canceled or modified
Locator-based Methods
- Locator-based priority queue methods:
- insert(k, o): inserts the item (k, o) and returns a locator for it
- min(): returns the locator of an item with smallest key
- remove(l): remove the item with locator l
- replaceKey(l, k): replaces the key of the item with locator l
- replaceElement(l, o): replaces with o the element of the item with locator l
- locators(): returns an iterator over the locators of the items in the priority queue
- Locator-based dictionary methods:
- insert(k, o): inserts the item (k, o) and returns its locator
- find(k): if the dictionary contains an item with key k, returns its locator, else return the special locator NO_SUCH_KEY
- emove(l): removes the item with locator l and returns its element
- locators(), replaceKey(l, k), replaceElement(l, o)
Positions vs. Locators
- Position
- represents a “place” in a data structure
- related to other positions in the data structure (e.g., previous/next or parent/child)
- implemented as a node or an array cell
- Position-based ADTs (e.g., sequence and tree) are fundamental data storage schemes
- Locator
- identifies and tracks a (key, element) item
- unrelated to other locators in the data structure implemented as an object storing the item and its position in the underlying structure
- Key-based ADTs (e.g., priority queue and dictionary) can be augmented with locator-based methods
package examples;
import java.io.Serializable;
public interface Locator<K extends Comparable<? super K>,E>
extends Position<E>, Serializable {
public K key();