Splay Trees

Splay Trees are Binary Search Trees

  • a splay tree is a binary search tree where a node is splayed after it is accessed (for a search or update)
    • deepest internal node accessed is splayed
    • splaying costs O(h), where h is height of the tree
      • which is still O(n) worst-case
        • O(h) rotations, each of which is O(1)
  • BST Rules:
    • items stored only at internal nodes
    • keys stored at nodes in the left subtree of v are less than or equal to the key stored at v
    • keys stored at nodes in the right subtree of v are greater than or equal to the key stored at v
    • An inorder traversal will return the keys in order


  • Searching in a Splay Tree: Starts the Same as in a BST
  • Search proceeds down the tree to found item or an external node.
  • Example: Search for time with key 11.

Skip List Search


  • Splay Trees do Rotations after Every Operation (Even Search)
  • new operation: splay
    • splaying moves a node to the root using rotations
  • right rotation
    • makes the left child x of a node y into y’s parent; y becomes the right child of x
  • left rotation
    • makes the right child y of a node x into x’s parent; x becomes the left child of y Splay_Tree_Search_L_Rotation


  • “x is a left-left grandchild” means x is a left child of its parent, which is itself a left child of its parent
  • p is x’s parent; g is p’s parent



TODO: Other examples

  • which nodes are splayed after each operation? Splay_Tree_Splay_Methods

Amortized Analysis of Splay Trees

  • Running time of each operation is proportional to time for splaying.
  • Define rank(v) as the logarithm (base 2) of the number of nodes in subtree rooted at v.
  • Costs: zig = $1, zig-zig = $2, zig-zag = $2.
  • Thus, cost for playing a node at depth d = $d.
  • Imagine that we store rank(v) cyber-dollars at each node v of the splay tree (just for the sake of analysis).
  • Cost per zig
    • Doing a zig at x costs at most rank’(x) - rank(x):
      • cost = rank’(x) + rank’(y) - rank(y) - rank(x)
        • < rank’(x) - rank(x) Zig
  • Cost per zig-zig and zig-zag
    • Doing a zig-zig or zig-zag at x costs at most
      • 3(rank’(x) - rank(x)) - 2.
    • Proof: See Theorem 3.9, Page 192.


  • Cost of Splaying
    • Cost of splaying a node x at depth d of a tree rooted at r:
      • at most 3(rank(r) - rank(x)) - d + 2:
      • Proof: Splaying x takes d/2 splaying substeps:

        Splaying Cost

Performance of Splay Trees

  • Recall: rank of a node is logarithm of its size.
  • Thus, amortized cost of any splay operation is O(log n).
  • In fact, the analysis goes through for any reasonable definition of rank(x).
  • This implies that splay trees can actually adapt to perform searches on frequently requested items much faster than O(log n) in some cases. (See Theorems 3.10 and 3.11.)